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Paper.js and canvas element wrapper


Install the component using Bower

$ bower install paper-canvas
Fork on GitHub Download as ZIP


Provides you a simple wrapper for Paper.js.

In the following demo, we set a basic canvas, with red background.

<paper-canvas width="300px" height="60px" background="red"></paper-canvas>

In the following demo, we draw a simple circle into the canvas with Paper.js API.

<paper-canvas class="shadow" width="300px" height="300px" id="circleCanvas"></voice-player>
window.addEventListener('polymer-ready', function(e) {
		var paperCanvas = document.querySelector('#circleCanvas');
		paperCanvas.addEventListener('redraw', function(){					
			var center = new this.paper.Point(150, 150);							
			var circle = this.paper.Path.Circle(center, 100);												
			circle.fillColor = 'green';	


Attribute Options Default Description
width string 800px Specifies entire element width.
height strings 600px Specifies entire element height.
background string #FFF Specifies the background color of the layer.


Method Parameters Returns Description
redraw() None Nothing Redraw canvas with a background rectangle.
clear() None Nothing Clears entire canvas layer.
getDataURL() MIME String Gets the base64 converted URL based on the MIME.
draw() None Nothing Process data and draw into the canvas.


Event Description
onredraw Triggers when the canvas was recreated.
onclear Triggers when the canvas layer was cleared.
ondrawn Triggers when the canvas was been drawn.



Wraps Paper.js, with simple constructor and a canvas element.


1. Import Web Components' polyfill

<script src="bower_components/platform/platform.js"></script>

2. Import Custom Element

<link rel="import" href="bower_components/paper-canvas/dist/paper-canvas.html">

3. Start using it!
